Use C128 SPRDEF to easily create your own characters set i know there are tons of character set editors out there. but this one is actually fun and only 1 line big! ready. monitor monitor pc sr ac xr yr sp ; fb000 00 00 00 00 f9 m 0e00 0e15 >00e00 38 00 00 44 00 00 82 00:8..d.... >00e08 00 82 00 00 fe 00 00 82:........ >00e10 00 00 82 00 00 82 00 00:........ >00e18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00:........ x ready. Normal, 1 character, left sprite corner 5 fora=3584to3605step3:printpeek(a);chr$(20);chr$(44);:next:printchr$(20) run DELUXE VERSION Deluxe, 6 characters in first 6 bytes of the 1st sprite 10 print chr$(147):for a=0 to 2:forb=3584+ato3605+astep3 20 printpeek(b);chr$(20);chr$(44);:next:printchr$(20):printchr$(13):next 30 for a=0 to 2:forb=3608+ato3629+astep3 40 printpeek(b);chr$(20);chr$(44);:next:printchr$(20):printchr$(13):next run ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OUTPUT hex$ numbers 10 print chr$(147):for a=0 to 2:forb=3584+ato3605+astep3 15 dd=peek(b) 20 print hex$(dd)+" ";:next:printchr$(13):next 30 for a=0 to 2:forb=3608+ato3629+astep3 35 ee=peek(b) 40 print hex$(ee)+" ";:next:printchr$(13):next run